Client Accounting Services

Handling the A to Z of accounting
As accounting is our bread and butter, CPA Solutions is equipped to handle most (if not all) of your accounting work for you such as:
▸ After-the-fact financial statement preparation
▸ Bookkeeping
▸ Periodic tax payments/compliance (sales tax, etc.)
▸ Outsourced CFO and/or controller services
While these are the services that make up CAS, its true objectives and scope go beyond this. Similar to how eyes are the window to the soul, a client’s accounts can help us best identify their needs so that we always deliver the best possible financial services and solutions for them
How are we different from other CPA firms?

How do we achieve your goals?
Robust client on-boarding process to ensure a smooth and timely transition
Automation process that utilizes the latest technology available
Assigning a professional team to each client consisting of skilled accounting professionals—from A/P specialists to tax experts
Frequent meetings with business owners/managers to discuss the business’s financial health, address underlying problems, and find the right solutions
Frequent tax planning sessions to maximize tax savings, round-the-clock support for special projects, financing assistance, impacts on regulatory and tax changes, and all other financial needs that our clients may face.